Current Study & Schedule


We meet weekly on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30am and every other Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. You are invited to attend either the morning or evening group, or both! 


Morning Group  

2012 Griggs SE, 
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
(Childcare Available)

Evening Group   

At the home of Sarah Dickinson. 
(No Childcare Provided)


Sisters walking together, with Jesus, through the medical marriage life.

Our typical Wednesday morning schedule will look something like this:
9:15-9.30am:  Drop-off kiddos and grab a cup of coffee & snack!
9.30-10am:  Praise & Worship / Sharing Time
10-11am:  Small Groups
11-11:30am:  Prayer in small groups
11:30am:  Pick-up kiddos 
11:30 - 12:00pm:  Optional "bring a sack lunch" and picnic together

Current Study

Check back soon for a list of our Fall 2017 study options

Past Studies 

Spring 2017: Ruth: Loss, Love & Legacy by Kelly Minter
Winter 2016: Mary: Unafraid by Francine Rivers
Fall 2016:  Satisfied by Jeff Manion
Spring 2016: Ephesians - Lessons from Paul's Life and Ministry
Winter 2016:  Stormie Omartian's  Power of a Praying Wife
Fall 2015:  Linda Dillow's Calm My Anxious Heart
Spring 2015:  The book of Philippians
Winter 2015:  Nancy Lee Demoss' Choosing Gratitude 
Fall 2014:  Debby Read's Prescription for the Doctor's Wife
Spring 2014:  1 Peter
Fall/Winter 2013-2014: Ann Spangler & Lois Tverberg's Sitting At The Feet of Rabbi Jesus
Spring 2013: Russ Crosson's  The Truth About Money Lies
Winter 2013:  Debby Read's Prescription for the Doctor's Wife
Fall 2012:  Linda Dillow's Satisfy my Thirsty Soul
Spring 2012:  The book of James
Winter 2012:  Gary Thomas' Sacred Marriage
Fall 2011:  Linda Dillow's Calm My Anxious Heart
Spring 2011:  Ray VanderLaan - audio messages
Winter 2011:  David Platt's Radical

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In the case of inclement winter weather, Side by Side will not meet if  Kentwood School District is closed.