
Who We Are

We are daughters of God. We are wives of medical students; of residents; of attending doctors. We are in our twenties; we are in our fifties; we are every age in between. We have no children; we have babies; we have toddlers; we have school-aged kids; we have adult children. We have celebrated adoptions; we have mourned miscarriages. We hike; we craft; we ride motorcycles; we bake; we sing. We laugh and we joke; we share and we cry; we study and we learn. We wear ponytails and sweatpants; we wear makeup and high heels. We are the wives of doctors; we are daughters of God. 

Ministry Goals

Side By Side is a group of women who desire to grow in their walk with the Lord while supporting one another as medical wives. Being in a medical marriage brings with it a unique set of circumstances. We are here to pray for, love and encourage one another through whatever those circumstances might be, while spurring one another on in our personal relationships with Jesus Christ.
  1. To reach out to the wives of physicians and dentists in our medical community in order to bring them to Christ.
  2. To challenge women to study and apply the Bible to their lives daily.
  3. To be a place of prayer and support.
  4. To build Christian community through fellowship.
  5. To support and encourage strong marriages.
  6. To provide a safe atmosphere for children where Biblical principals are modeled and taught

Our Yearly Schedule

The Side by Side yearly schedule is divided up into four sessions. Just like the school year, the ministry of Side by Side starts new each fall. All side by side meetings are scheduled in conjunction with the local school calendar. If Hilliard schools are not in session, or are canceled for any reason, Side by Side will not take place. The four sessions are as follows:

Fall (from September - December)
Winter (from January - March/April or up through Spring Break)
Spring (begins after Spring Break and runs through the end of May)
Summer (starting in June, monthly Playdates at the Park)

SUMMER PLAYDATE SCHEDULE: We've got our summer playdates at the park scheduled for June 30, July 28 and Aug 25. I'd love for you to meet us in the pavilion at Grand Rapids Township Park (1836 E Beltline) anytime between 10-1pm. Come when you can, leave when you need to.